Thursday, December 30, 2010

Mr Poe

Mr Poe where have you been walking?

alleyways and amid the roses
beyond the inn

Mr Poe you lie
we have seen you in the liquor houses
day and night you drink though you know
it will kill you

I swear on my mother's pure white soul
that it is another
who resembles me
who wishes to destroy me and
what is left of my reputation

Who then?

I do not know his name
but I will find him out

Mr Poe you lie
there is no one
who resembles you

This is not a poem, really, but a bit of dialog from a screenplay I was working on in early 2005 for a class. Then in 2006, Matthew Pearl published The Poe Shadow, so I abandoned the work. Unfortunately, I have a lot of work that I've held on to just long enough for somebody else to publish it first.

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